Register for mySUPERIOR Plus™

Report a Bug
  • 1. Identify your account
  • 2. Create a profile
  • 3. Verify your email
  • 4. Complete Registration
  • Step 1
  • Step 2
  • Step 3
  • Step 4

First things first: We need to verify that you have an account with us.
Don’t worry, this is a quick and painless re-introduction!


You can link as many accounts as you like but one must be set as a Primary Account.The Primary Account will be your default each time you log in to mySUPERIOR Plus.You can change the primary account after you have registered and logged in.

Add Account

This field is required and it may only contain numbers
This is where you can find your Account Number

Delivery ticket

Account Number from delivery ticket


Account Number from invoice

Associated with your account


Associated with your account

Please enter a valid email address

Choose a Nickname for this Account for easy reference

Where to find your Account Number

Your account number can be found on the top right of your invoice beside your invoice total.

Superior Propane Chat

In case of emergency please call 877-873-7467

Please provide your details below and one of our Representatives will join the chat session.
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Report a bug

If you experience any technical issues with mySUPERIORTM, please tell us about it by completing this form.

Experiencing a Propane Emergency?
Please close this form and call us at 1-87SUPERIOR (1-877-873-7467) for immediate assistance. Please do not submit this form to report an emergency.


Upgrade to mySUPERIOR Plus

Why upgrade?

  • Manage All Your Accounts Together
  • See Everything At a Glance
  • Give Everyone Their Own Access
  • Download Your Data

Upgrade to mySUPERIOR Plus to access these features and more


You've entered:

Almost done...

To better serve you, please provide the following information. One of our friendly propane experts will contact you.


Contact Us

Still have a question? We'll be happy to answer it