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Winter Deliveries: Are you ready for your winter delivery? Read more.


Can I shut off my propane supply in an emergency?

Yes. If it’s necessary to turn off your propane supply before Superior Propane or the fire department arrives, you should know the proper procedure.
If you have a meter, give the valve at the meter a quarter turn in either direction so that the lever is crosswise to the pipe to turn it off.
To shut off the propane supply at the tank or cylinder, turn the hand wheel clockwise (to the right) as far as possible to make sure the valve is completely closed.
If you are not sure how to shut off the gas supply from your meter, tank or cylinder, contact Superior Propane for instructions. A service technician or driver can show you how to turn the propane supply off at your next scheduled delivery or service inspection.


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Experiencing a Propane Emergency?
Please close this form and call us at 1-87SUPERIOR (1-877-873-7467) for immediate assistance. Please do not submit this form to report an emergency.


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